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The Resonance is an interactive experiment that demonstrates the concept of resonance

Vicky By Vicky

Color Temperature

The Color Temperature is a captivating experiment that demonstrates the concept of

Vicky By Vicky

Hyperbola Model

The Hyperbola Model is an interactive and hands-on experiment that demonstrates the

Vicky By Vicky


The Kaleidoscope is a fun and creative experiment that allows participants to

Vicky By Vicky


The Periscope is an exciting hands-on experiment that allows participants to build

Vicky By Vicky

Sympathetic Swing

The Sympathetic Swing is an interesting experiment that demonstrates the concept of

Vicky By Vicky

Pinhole Camera

The Pinhole Camera is a fascinating experiment that allows participants to construct

Vicky By Vicky


The Parabola is an engaging experiment that introduces participants to the concept

Vicky By Vicky

Maxwell’s Wheel

The Maxwell's Wheel is an exciting experiment that introduces participants to the

Vicky By Vicky

Loop-the-Loop Track

The Loop-the-Loop Track is an exciting experiment that introduces participants to the

Vicky By Vicky